
Enzyme-induced antiseizure medicines reduce Vitamin D levels in children – Feb 2025

Vitamin D status of pediatric epilepsy patients and evaluation of affecting factors

J Pediatr 2025 Feb 10;51(1):39. doi: 10.1186/s13052-025-01898-9.
Serap Bilge 1, Sema Nur Taşkın 2

Background: The use of antiseizure medication in patients with epilepsy is one of the significant risk factors associated with abnormal vitamin D status. We aimed to identify risk factors related to hypovitaminosis D in pediatric patients treated with antiseizure medications.

Method: A cross-sectional retrospective cohort study was conducted on 127 pediatric epilepsy patients who received antiseizure drugs from December 2021 to December 2022. Demographic data, seizure types, diet, physical activity, duration, and types of antiseizure medications were analyzed.

Results: Among the 127 patients in this study, 53% were male, and the mean age was 9,1 ± 4,6 years (range: 2-17). The mean serum 25(OH)D level at baseline in winter/autumn was 24,2 ± 14,2 ng/mL; 47.0% of the patients were 25(OH) D deficient, 23% were 25(OH)D insufficient, and 30% had a vitamin D level within the normal range. The vitamin 25(OH) D level was 27,6 ± 12,2 in the epilepsy group with non-enzyme-induced antiseizure drugs, 21,76 ± 19,7 in the group with enzyme-induced antiseizure drugs, and 13,96 ± 7,9 in the group with combined antiseizure drugs (p < 0.001).

Conclusion: The number of antiseizure drugs, treatment with enzyme-induced antiseizure drugs, duration of epilepsy, abnormalities in magnetic resonance imaging, and etiology play important roles in determining the vitamin D level.
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  • “EIASDs, such as phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, eslicarbazepine acetate, primidone, oxcarbazepine, and topiramate > 200 mg/day),”
  • particularly CYP3A4 and CYP24A1 genes

40% reduction in seizures in children taking antiseizure medications when they took Vitamin D - March 2025

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

VitaminDWiki – Overview Epileptic children and Vitamin D category contains

Fact: Vitamin D supplementation helps epileptics in 6 ways
Fact: Anti-epilepsy drugs lower vitamin D levels
Fact: Epilepsy 5X more likely if preterm birth (low vitamin D)
Fact: Preterm greatly decreased if add vitamin D and/or Omega-3
Recommendation: Epileptics should take vitamin D to:
    Improve Quality of Life
   Avoid having health problems associated with low vitamin D, such as low bone density
Epilepsy = 4,000 years of ignorance, superstition and stigma
   followed by 100 years of knowledge, superstition and stigma.

Wonder how many genes not noticed by Vitamin D test are affected by EISADs?

From Genetics
in Visio for 2023

CYP24A1 gene and Vitamin D - many studies
Suicide attempts by males 3.7 X more likely if poor Vitamin D gene (CYP24A1) – Oct 2021
Vitamin D levels massively changed by CYP3A4 gene (drugs such as Ivermectin and anti-epileptics)
  Perhaps should take Both Ivermectin AND Vitamin D if taking EISADs

46% of adult epilepsy patients take EISADs - Perplexity AI Feb 2025

"A study analyzing data from 2004 to 2015 found that approximately 45.9% of adult epilepsy patients in the United States were prescribed enzyme-inducing antiseizure medications (EIASMs) such as carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital, or primidone."

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
22358 seizure mdication and Vitamin D_CompressPdf.pdf admin 01 Mar, 2025 580.60 Kb 0
22259 EIASD vs Vitamin D.webp admin 10 Feb, 2025 29.81 Kb 37
22258 enzyme-induced antiseizure drugs_CompressPdf.pdf admin 10 Feb, 2025 238.79 Kb 9